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Phoenix FirmCare

Firmware Security-as-a-Service Program

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What is Phoenix FirmCare?

Our security-as-a-service (sustaining engineering) program monitors, rates, and reports firmware vulnerabilities. If a vulnerability is found, our team creates and delivers or helps source, custom patches to fix the problem.

This means that FirmCare provides the earliest and most comprehensive awareness of threats to your firmware security.

What Do I Get As a Customer?

  • Constant monitoring: Our team monitors the universe of firmware threats, tapping into Black Hat and DEF CON resources and other industry research entities.
  • Reports: You can expect to receive reports on firmware threats weekly, monthly, or annually, depending on SLA, with suggested fixes for every identified vulnerability.
  • White hat hacking: The Phoenix Security Team will mimic a hack on a target machine to uncover weak spots in existing firmware, then suggest fixes.
  • Penetration testing: We have a test lab for handling penetration testing (pen testing) internally and at a federally funded laboratory.

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